City streets or library shelves. Whatever your destination - observe, question, absorb, then realise.

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90 Second Challenge

90 Second Challenge seeks to inspire people across Bristol, UK to make digital media.


A website documenting ideas and work in progress by artists on a course developing projects using the open source Processing environment.


paintvoxbox asks you, the viewer, to comment on different paintings.

The summer camp brings together 24 young filmmakers from Sweden, Lithuania and UK to make digital short films.

Visual Tangents

A web-based forum that allows individuals to share their experiences and memories of Bristol with the online community. However this is a web-forum with a difference, as it contains within it a computer algorithm that will illustrate the texts left by users with 'tangentially related' automatically generated films.


This site is aimed at young and old. It is interactive letting you create your own dynamic sound mixes and interact with amusing animations - all guaranteed to stimulate your eyes and ears!

Hannu Karjalainen work in progress

Finnish artist Hannu came to Bristol to create a series of film installations. The purpose of this web piece is to illustrate the creative process ? from the first rudimentary tests to the making of the actual works.