If Only I Could Hibernate

classified 12A S

Please note: This was screened in May 2024

Zoljargal Purevdash
Taivanbat Alexandar, Batmandakh Batchuluun, Tuguldur Batsaikhan
96 mins, Subtitled, 2023, Mongolia
Primary language
'If Only I Could Hibernate Makes History at Cannes as Mongolian Film Biz Increases Its Reach.' Variety

Zoljargal Purevdash's feature debut chronicles a family navigating poor living conditions in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, in a heartwarming tale emphasising the invaluable impact of education.

Teenager Ulzii is determined to win a physics competition to get a scholarship. His illiterate mother finds a job in the countryside, leaving him and his younger brother and sister in the middle of winter. Ulzii needs to find ways to keep their yurt warm and look after his siblings while preparing for the national competition.

From sweeping snow-capped landscapes to intricate domestic and school spaces, Purevdash’s film heralds an important new voice in world cinema, uncovering contemporary Mongolian society.

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