Theatre Sandbox 2010: Fortnight

We are living in an age of global inter-connectedness – the accessibility of communication-based technology means that we are able to connect with people in all parts of the globe in less time than it would take us to pay a visit to our local shop. One of the results of this proliferation of digital communication is that the boundaries between ‘local’, ‘national’, and ‘international’ are becoming less defined.

Proto-type Theatre were commissioned in 2010 by Theatre Sandbox to develop Fortnight, a performance experience designed to explore and highlight how technology has changed our sense of place, time, and identity. Using pervasive technologies to engage the audience in their surroundings, the project blurred the boundaries between audience member, performer, and player.

The commission developed a performance experience that involved audiences in a unique way: text messages, emails, phone calls, and letters were all used to create a fictional world that encouraged audiences to interact with each other and their surroundings. Part-performance, part-adventure, the project interrogated notions of what ‘local’ means, using Fortnight’s narrative to examine how we understand our sense of place in an increasingly globalised world.

Find out more at the Theatre Sandbox archive website

Posted on Tue 18 April 2017.

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