Streetartdealer Needs Your Walls!

A call for walls from the people of Bristol...

Bristol more than anywhere in the country has a history of art on its streets and a corresponding community ownership of them. Streetartdealer will use new technologies to connect those that view these works, with those that produce them. Streetartdealer will host a city wide exhibition of street artworks. For the Bristol launch, we will also showcase several uses of QR technology to interact, exchange and direct the public from the gallery to journeys around the city on a treasure hunt of art on the streets.

We are asking the general public to host a work on their wall. (walls must ajoin public space)

If you have a wall to lend, please email us on:

Leon, Calum, Jono & Lucie.

This project is funded by Media Sandbox, a commissioning scheme produced by iShed working with South West Screen with support from South West Regional Development Agency, HP Labs and Watershed.