Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on the installation at
Watershed of The Magician's Desk... We had a great response to this
sensor driven experience of a Victorian Magician's Desk which has fed
into our tweeking and honing of this magical intervention.  Here are
some of the things you said...

 “I loved the interactive element
and felt
like I was part of the illusion as well.”

“I enjoyed most being shut in a small, intimate
space with a desk filled with strange objects that I was looking for
meaning in.”

“Piecing together the puzzle from multiple clues,
the blind alleys/deceptions – the most obvious key not fitting the
padlock.  The aesthetic.”

With the
fantastic support of the studio we took the desk to the Shift Happens
conference where it went down a
storm... We also had a really inspiring time listening to the speakers
and meeting some great people - we are officially geeks!

Whilst at Shift Happens we noticed everyone
twittering away and have now got our twitter and website set

The Magician's Desk continues to
tour - we are installing at Bristol Old Vic today and then beyond...

your eyes peeled for news of the
Medicine Man Cart - currently in development.

Posted by Becca Gill