So its thursday a day to go until the end of the project. We are getting closer to the final presentation but for the group due to postage and general complexity of the project it's the first day we have been able to get our hands on things to try out. In some ways the project is very theoretical and we havn't had much chance of prototyping things.

For me this has led me to think about what prototyping is? It seems in terms of the week it is many things for many people. Some are very much about the physical nature of making, and others protoype through a digital code and imagery. I think after many years of steering clear of the act of physically making a prototype it was really challenging for me to get back into the act. Within this project I was particularly aware that I might be making a product of some kind. And therefore I really wanted to balance this with some kind of good aspect. Indireclty this seemed ot rub off on the project as we created a pretty do-able project in terms of potentially being a project that could go to market. 

So anyway thursday was about testing for us and the testing made for a really good experience. Learning from the guys who have helped us technically has been for me one of the highlights. I have really very little technical knowledge so for me it was great to bounce ideas off them and see what could be done and what couldn't. I think we were happy with where we were today and so decided to "sit back and enjoy the process". I remembered back to this phrase and I think in someways it's the way the project should go.



Posted by Julian Sykes