Week commencing 12th March

Hello and welcome to the first edition of the Pervasive Media Studio’s weekly blog, put together to highlight the achievements, activities and general comings and goings of the studio residents. As ever it has been a busy week for all of us. Check out what we have been up to.......

Clare went to speak at the Cultural Capital Exchange event at the British Library about the dynamics between creativity, business and how research around this is changing

Victoria went all the way to Texas to chair a panel at SXSW with Studio collaborators Laura Kriefman and David Glowacki

nu desine  are booked to visit Massive Attack studios. They are one step closer is putting their prototype together as their PCB has just arrived! They are giving a talk at the More than Words Festival for sound adventures, check it out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/showsandtours/shows/date/events/sound_bristol_20120317

Tanglible FX are putting their business card together featuring crumbles the bear!
They are off to a trade show in Frankfurt. They are also finalising an investor and finishing their phone app, which will be available soon. Phew.

University of the West of England and DCRC have got lots going on, they have been running out sorting lots of things out: i-Docs is about to launch , Helen Kennedy went to a talk on second screening and Sam Kinsley was in Cardiff, at the Welsh Millennium Centre, to speak as part of Design Wales Forum

Lucky Tim Kindberg is off to Accra and Nairobi in Africa working with the British council looking for collaborative project partnerships. He has also been raving about Chris Maslanka who has begun a series of puzzles

New React producers Matt Davenport and Jo Lansdowne have been milling about being very producery. Jo is going to Xmedia Lab and Matt managed to sign off how the funders will be acknowledged for the next 4 years in preparation for the press release for the launch of
the React project. It might sound boring but its very important Matt.

The Quantum Workshop just blew our collective minds by levitating particles with lasers. Be sure to look them up, they are loads of fun

New residents Ruth Farrar and Moon have just joined the Studio. Tobias Sturt (writer working in collaboration with Moon) finished first draft of one of 'Dark Corner' idea - it's in purely audio format at present, but in good shape.

So that’s how things are shaping up this week, as ever we are hosting our open studio Friday’s, so be sure to come along next time and check us right out.