In 2015 Sammy Payne from Open Bionics joined the Studio as a part of our New Talent residency programme. As co-founder of a new revolutionary 3D printed prosthetics company she wanted to work with amputees to explore what a personal prosthetic might be, what people might choose to wear as part of their personal style. How an arm might, look, feel and behave if it were designed for and with those that might use them everyday. 

Three short years later and Sammy, co-founder Joel and the whole Open Bionics team are back in the Studio to celebrate the launch of their first product, the Hero Arm:

The world's first clinically tested, medically certified, and FDA registered 3D-printed bionic arm. Grab, pinch, high-five, fist bump, thumbs-up. Welcome to the future, where disabilities are superpowers. 

It is our pleasure to host the team and some of the amazing user testers who are proudly modelling their Open Bionics arms. 

This is Cameron, his superhero name would be 'Bionic Boy' and his superhero skills would include super-strength, flying and becoming invisible to make his friends jump and laugh. 


Meet Tilly and her mum, Sarah. Tilly now has now co-designed 7 arm designs including this amazing gold number and a purple lo-poly one with LEDs that shimmer through pin holes as she moves.

Open Bionics team
Open Bionics pioneers Left to right: Co-founder and Studio resident Sammy, Cameron, Dan, Luke, Kate, co-founder Joel and Tilly