A Knight’s Peril is Splash & Ripple's new 14th Century interactive investigation set at National Trust's Bodiam Castle.

Visitors on the quest must listen to their guide, Kate Dallingridge, and decide who to follow, trust or accuse as part of a mission to save the life of Sir Edward Dallingridge, her father and the influential owner of Bodiam Castle.

A Knight’s Peril makes use of an ‘Echo Horn’, which helps visitors to sound the echoes of the past trapped inside the castle’s ancient walls. These objects surreptitiously house cutting edge hardware and interactive software that responds to choices made by visitors, activating the appropriate audio scenes when touched to special seals hidden around the castle.

The adventure ties in a mixture of real and imagined characters, informed and inspired by research carried out by historians at UWE.

A Knight's Peril will be live at Bodiam for at least the next year. If you're in the area, it will definitely be worth a visit.

Studio themes
