Last week, I got covid. On the Thursday morning of the showcase.

Gutted for sure.  

But I wasn’t upset. 

I had done as much and more than possible. 

And this was the full circle moment. 


On my first day of the winter residency I wrestled with my long tail cargo bike in the bike store. For those of you who may not be privy to the long tail cargo this is a link. 

And whilst it is a compact bike-car, it requires an element of figuring out the angles in new spaces. As I was bottom up in this figuring out process, the door kept opening with more and more people arriving to access the studio through the bike store. And they stopped. And looked and saw (the bike is a bright some might say garish orange) and asked whether they could help. Each and everyone of these lovely people there by the stairs, suggesting and helping and then lifting the bike onto its tail. 

My internal monologue was of mortification. "It's alright" I said. Smiling manically. "No worries. It stands on it's back. Its. Just..." The two kid seats at the back definitely not helping. The video of how to get it up buffering behind my right eye. It looked so smooth in the how to video. A stereotype of a first day. Until I relaxed. 

Until I listened. Until I gave over and accepted and trusted in the support I was being given. 

And we did it. We got the bike into the tight spot. And we laughed and celebrated and congratulated one another and said thank you as we climbed the stairs to the studio, and I realised there and then that this was the philosophy of this space. No question is too great. Use initiative. Roll up and contribute. Support and cheer on. Fail and try again. Laugh and move up together. 

There is no such thing as self-made. Everything exists in relation to another thing. 


Wonderfull: The Poetic Fortune Telling Machine was showcased perfectly. Because of the support and spirit of the Pervasive Media Studio. 


Thank you so so so much. 






This is the orange bike. Kid-seatless cos I learnt to remove the seats at nursery before heading in. Squeezed between the black pole and the fire extinguisher and the wall. 

a room pack full of bicycle stored on their back legs. My orange long tail bike is squeezed into the far corner.