Cables & Cameras presents: Space(s) by Luke Frsh

DIASPORA! and Cables & Cameras present: Space(s) + Q&A


Please note: This was screened in May 2024

12 mins

Space(s) is a short film by Luke Frsh that follows Naira, a young man trying to find his place in the world.

Feeling imprisoned in his surroundings, Naira decides to take matters into his own hands to escape his reality. A moment of magic soon turns into a nightmare when he bumps into two people from the world he is trying to break free from and brutal reality sets in fast.

Frsh's film highlights the importance of green spaces, intergenerational connection, role models and not letting anything stop you from being yourself.

DIASPORA! is a new arts festival for Bristol and the South West, presented by the Diverse Artists Network (DAN). Taking place this year for the very first time Fri 3 – Mon 6 May 2024, this four-day, multi-venue event will platform and celebrate the wide variety of talent reflected in the region’s underrepresented cultural communities.

Cables & Cameras create a hub for POC (Person Of Colour) filmmakers and creatives in Bristol to showcase their work, enabling a platform where filmmakers can discuss, share and debate ideas.

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