Found in: Afrofuturism
Black Sci-Fi - Uhura

Black Sci-Fi + Short

classified 18



Please note: This was screened in Oct 2014

Terrence Francis
Octavia Butler, Samuel R. Delany, Mike Sergeant, Steven Barnes and Nichelle Nichols
60 mins, 1992

This simply titled 1992 documentary is a wonderful window into a specific time in the history of black science fiction in literature, film and television, featuring interviews with key figures from across these artforms. There's author Octavia Spencer discussing how her interest in science fiction developed and the genre's potential for exploring new ideas and ways of being, fellow writers Samuel R. Delany, Mike Sergeant and Steven Barnes elaborate on the stereotypical portrayal of black characters in sci-fi literature and cinema (including the predictable fate of black figures in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and The Terminator), and actress Nichelle Nichols talks about the significance of her character, Uhura, in Star Trek, including how her early conversations with Gene Roddenberry influenced the show. Barnes and Sergeant also consider how attitudes towards race and skin colour might develop in the (far) future...

This screening will be introduced by Afrofuturist author Ytasha Womack. Screening with short The End of Eating Everything (Wangechi Mutu).

Ticket prices: £8.00 full / £6.50 concessions.

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