Night Will Fall

Night Will Fall

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Nov 2014

André Singer
Alfred Hitchcock, Sidney Bernstein
75 mins, 2014, UK

When Allied forces liberated the Nazi concentration camps in 1944-45, their terrible discoveries were recorded by army and newsreel cameramen, revealing for the first time the full horror of what had happened. Making use of British, Soviet and American footage, the Ministry of Information's Sidney Bernstein (later founder of Granada Television) aimed to create a documentary that would provide lasting, undeniable evidence of the Nazis' unspeakable crimes. He commissioned a wealth of British talent, including editor Stewart McAllister, writer and future cabinet minister Richard Crossman - and, as treatment advisor, his friend Alfred Hitchcock.

Yet, despite initial support from the British and US Governments, the film was shelved for reasons of post war diplomacy, and it is only now, 70 years on, that it can be seen after being restored and completed by the Imperial War Museum. This eloquent, lucid documentary by André Singer (executive producer of the award-winning The Act of Killing) tells the extraordinary story of the filming of the camps and the fate of Bernstein's project, using original archive footage and eyewitness testimonies. It goes without saying this film is beyond heartbreaking, and never less than totally compelling.

Conversations About Cinema

Professor Tim Cole, Professor of Social History at the University of Bristol, will introduce the 18:00 screening of the film on Wed 12 Nov. Join us in the Café/Bar after the screening, from 19:25, for Conversations About Cinema, an informal discussion with Tim and other film fans on Night Will Fall - a ticket for the 18:00 screening will give you 10% off drinks and items from our shared menu. So grab a drink or something to eat and let us know your thoughts on on this important documentary...

  • The evening screening of Night Will Fall on Tue 11 Nov is part of our Cinébites deal: get a cinema ticket, veggie or meat gnocchi, and a drink (wine/beer or soft drink) for only £15.

Ticket prices: Screenings before 16:00: £5.50 full / £4.00 concessions. Screenings after 16:00: £8.00 full / £6.50 concessions.

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