International Film Festival Life! - Speed Walking

International Film Festival Rotterdam Live! - Speed Walking

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Jan 2015

Niels Arden Oplev
Bo Hr. Hansen, Morten Kirkskov
108 mins, 2014, Denmark

We will be streaming two European premieres directly from the International Film Festival Rotterdam as part of an exciting experiment that seeks to celebrate, enhance and expand the live festival experience.

Both premieres will be followed by a live satellite Q&A with cast and crew that you can take part in via a special Twitter dashboard on the cinema screen – you will see questions and comments from audiences in other cinemas throughout Europe and contribute your own. So no need for a plane ticket to Holland - you can be part of the festival scene from right here in Bristol!

Speed Walking is the second IFFR Live! premiere - Belgian drama Melody screens on Mon 26 Jan at 18:00.

This candid coming-of-age comedy from Niels Arden Oplev (director of the original Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) transports us to a small, quirky town in 1970s Denmark with 14-year-old Martin (Villads Boye), whose mother’s sudden death triggers a series of events that not only change Martin’s life forever, but affects the whole of the community. Tenderly tracking Martin’s budding sexual enquiries (he must negotiate feelings for both his sweet classmate Kristine and his male best friend Kim) and the sexual politics of the era (Martin guilelessly buys the family line that his gay uncle lives with another man “because of the housing shortage in Copenhagen”), this is an intense, funny and evocative story about how life and death demand a transition in us all.

Ticket prices: £8.00 full / £6.50 concessions.

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