Found in: Queer Vision
Mala Mala

Mala Mala

classified 18

Queer Vision Film Festival 2015


Please note: This was screened in July 2015

Antonio Santini, Dan Sickles
Jason Carrión, Samantha Close, Ivana Fred
87 mins, 2014, USA | Puerto Rico

This exuberant celebration of gender expression in the face of adversity delves into the world of the trans community in Puerto Rico, candidly showcasing nine very different trans people, all with wildly different aspirations - from dreams of flashily wowing as beauty queens to hopes of quietly "passing" in the supermarket. Honest and respectful, it is very much led by the people who feature in it, and is never reductive or exploitative.

Away from the individuals, Mala Mala also chronicles their collective efforts fighting employment discrimination and organising a march for equality. It's a unique exploration of self discovery and activism, portraying a fight for personal and community acceptance paved with triumphant highs and devastating lows. Join us for a tender, funny and raw portrayal of a profound movement in LGBTQ history.

Screening with short film Trucker Patti: shot almost entirely from the inside of Patti's articulated truck, she tell her story, of husbands passed and a life in the closet within the military. Through her words we discover her personal journey in learning how she must live her life in order to be free.

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