Found in: Puppetry Festival
Rod Burnett's Orginal Punch and Judy Show

Punch and Judy by Robert Styles

Bristol Festival of Puppetry


Please note: This event took place in Aug 2015

Mr Punch made his first appearance in London in 1662 (according to Samuel Pepys). He has been delighting audiences with his incorrigible antics ever since.

Robert Styles is a second-generation Punch & Judy man with over thirty years experience maintaining this much loved English institution. He has worked extensively throughout the UK, travelled abroad to international puppet festivals, and appeared on screen.

Robert's vibrant and colourful presentation is packed with authentic ingredients and will transport you to a world of holidays and all the fun of the fair!

Suitable for all ages.

Due to unforeseen circumstances Rod Burnett, is no longer able to perform at Bristol Festival of Puppetry. Rod has recommended Robert Styles as one of the UK's foremost exponents of Punch & Judy.

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