Found in: Puppetry Festival
Animation Workshop

DIY Kids & Young People: Animation Workshop

Bristol Festival of Puppetry


Please note: This event took place in Aug 2015

DIY kids! Two workshops full of fun and mischief: inspired by our screenings for families – Continental Kids and Ivor Wood: An Animated Celebration – join in and we’ll help you create your own character and bring it to life on film.

Led by Claire Evans from Small World Animations. Claire is a Bristol-based artist specialising in animation and illustration. She also has over 10 years experience facilitating animation and visual arts workshops for people of all ages and abilities. Her workshops are lots of fun as well as a challenge for participants, with an emphasis on promoting independent learning.

These two workshops for ages 6 and up are great for free range imagineers. Children do not need to be accompanied. Dress for mess and let the fun begin!

There are two time slots to chose from: 10:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00.

This workshop is part of BFP’s DIY KIDS & Young People.

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