Found in: Puppetry Festival
The Paper Cinema

The Night Flyer, King Pest, Rock Charmer

Bristol Festival of Puppetry


Please note: This was screened in Aug 2015

65 mins

What happens at the accidental meeting of inkblots, photocopies, cardboard, angle-poise lamps, video technology, a laptop and a banana box? A suitcase of hand-drawn paper puppets are magically brought to life by the internationally-renowned Paper Cinema team as puppet show, cinema and slideshow converge with a mix of live animation and music.

Especially for Bristol Festival of Puppetry, The Paper Cinema present three of their lovingly crafted earlier works: King Pest, adapted from Edgar Allen Poe's gothic tale, The Night Flyer, an original creation that sees our hero crossing the night in a mysterious train to find a lost girl, and Rock Charmer, featuring an old man scratching at the mysteries of the rocks in a quarry.

Don't miss this show that simply has to be seen to be believed.

Image credit: The Paper Cinema.

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