Found in: Encounters 2015
Astley Baker Retrospective

Astley Baker Retrospective

classified 15

Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival 2015


Please note: This was screened in Sept 2015

Neville Astley And Mark Baker
90 mins

Mark Baker and Neville Astley are two of the most commercially successful British animators ever, responsible for the well-known and much-loved children’s TV series Peppa Pig.

This retrospective programme brings together highlights from their BAFTA-winning, Oscar®-nominated artistic career, including work made separately - The Hill Farm and the joyously upbeat Mobile Home - to work made together including the little known but hilarious The Big Knights, to more recent successes such as Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom.

Although ostensibly made for a children’s audience, their later work is notable for its lightness of touch, humour, social satire, observation and an incredible ability to cut across social divides, whilst their earlier work demonstrates considerable sophistication as well as being informed by a deep craft and love for the art of animation.

This retrospective consists of two programmes – the first, The World of Astley Baker Davies, is for adults, and the second, the newly re-mastered The Big Knights (which screens from Fri 23 - Thu 29 Oct), is intended for children.

This retrospective is supported by the BFI’s Programme Development Fund.

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