Gone with the Wind - kiss

Gone with the Wind

classified PG

Watch and Weep Brunches


Please note: This was screened in Nov 2015

Victor Fleming, George Cukor
Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Thomas Mitchell
235 mins, USA

Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara, like Rick and Ilsa in Casablanca, are another of cinema's classic lovers, their passionate and tempestuous relationship similarly set against the epic sweep of history - this time the tumultuous battle for the heart of America during the civil war in the south of the 1860s.

Amidst this seismic historical moment we find the intimate emotional menage a trois of Scarlett (Vivien Leigh), the self centred Southern Belle, the fey, gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard) and the devilish and dashing Rhett (Clark Gable). This historical romance is epic in all senses of the words: Producer David O Selznick held up production for two years to ensure the casting of Clark Gable, one of Hollywood’s biggest stars at the time, and famously auditioned over 1000 actresses for the role of Scarlett (generating acres of press coverage for the unmade film in the process!).

Technical crew were hired and fired but the resulting sumptuous groundbreaking use of wide screen technicolour captures, in vivid colours and breathtaking camerawork, the scale and impact of the war and the emotionally charged atmosphere of the film. Coming in at over three hours there was still no stopping the impact of Gone with the Wind which went on to be one of the most popular films of all time - and immortalised on screen Rhett and Scarlett’s passionate affair. Frankly, you'd be a fool to miss it.

Please note that this screening will include a 30 minute interval, during which performance artist Tom Marshman will be channelling Scarlett O'Hara for a specially commissioned 10 minute live performance set amongst the backdrop of the Civil War. Like Tom, Scarlett has lost everything and had more than her fair share of bad luck but makes a promise to herself that she will never be hungry again …

Tom is currently doing a Micro-residency in Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio. For more info visit: http://www.tommarshman.com

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