
classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Oct 2015

Anton Corbijn
Robert Pattinson, Dane DeHaan, Joel Edgerton, Ben Kingsley
111 mins, 2015

This stylish, low-key drama tells the story of the relationship between James Dean (Dane DeHaan) and Life photographer Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson), who took the now-iconic images of the 24-year-old star in New York and then accompanied him on what turned out to be his last trip home.

It covers a few weeks at a pivotal moment in Dean's short life: it's the start of 1955, when he was a relative unknown. He had made East of Eden but it wasn't released yet, and was nervously awaiting his audition for a film called Rebel Without A Cause. Against this chaos he meets Stock, another young man with artistic ambitions, a freelancer trying to make his name in a breakthrough exclusive.

For director Anton Corbijn - himself a famously accomplished photographer before his film career started - this is a curiously personal film about that moment the shutter snaps, and the relationship between celebrity and the media. Life looks into the circus of Hollywood and mourns the loss of an actor gone way before his time.

  • The screening of Life on Tue 13 Oct is part of our Cinébites deal: Get 30% off any main dish in the Café/Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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