Studio 54

Studio 54 Director's Cut

classified 18

Queer Vision presents Facets


Please note: This was screened in July 2016

Mark Christopher
Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek, Sela Ward
93 mins, 1998, USA
"The original movie was meant to be about this decadent world on the edge of collapse. What was lacking in the studio cut, the themes and the look, are now there. It’s kind of a miracle." – Mark Christopher, director.

Director Mark Christopher’s glitter bomb of sex, drugs and debauchery in New York’s 1970 party scene vanished as quickly as it dropped on its original release in 1998. As it turned out he’d directed two films – Miramax’s sanitised version and his own darker one, the latter of which never saw the light of day… until now. Back on the dance floor this new director’s cut re-establishes itself to what it was always meant to be - a gay cult-classic with its tales of glorious hedonistic revelry amongst an underground utopia of the sexually liberated.

Reinstating the bisexuality of Ryan Phillippe’s character, as well as the film’s core love triangle between Phillippe, Salma Hayek and Breckin Meyer (both missing from the original version), as well as a soundtrack that’s sure to put you in the mood to party, the film received widespread critical acclaim at its re-release at the Berlin Film Festival. Come and celebrate this lost classic of gay cinema and revel in an act of tiumphant cinematic resurrection.

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