I am Belfast

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in May 2016

Mark Cousins
Richard Buick, Shane McCaffrey, Simon Millar
84 mins, 2016, UK

Celebrated cinéphile and Watershed favourite Mark Cousins (A Story of Film: An Odyssey) writes and directs this dreamlike evocation of Belfast, beautifully shot by Wong Kar-Wai's cinematographer Christopher Doyle and featuring a powerful soundtrack from DJ and composer David Holmes.

Here the city is a 10,000-year-old lady who takes you on an emotional journey through the rich, complex and tragic history of the Northern Irish capital. From wandering through the streets, meeting jaunty pensioners, to the horrors of the Troubles, I Am Belfast is an impassioned, politically engaged and inventive love letter from Cousins to his hometown.

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