Found in: Afrika Eye
God Loves Uganda

God Loves Uganda

classified 15

Afrika Eye 2016


Please note: This was screened in Nov 2016

Roger Ross Williams
83 mins, 2013, USA

This powerful documentary exposes the twenty-first century evangelical crusade to import the values of America’s Christian Right and eliminate homosexuality in Uganda.

Oscar®-winning filmmaker Roger Ross Williams (Music by Prudence) explores the role of the American Evangelical movement in fueling Uganda's terrifying turn towards biblical law and the proposed death penalty for homosexuality in this enlightening but shocking exposé. The film follows evangelical leaders, politicians and missionaries in America and Uganda in their determination to eliminate “sexual sin” and convert Ugandans to fundamentalist Christianity. Thanks to charismatic religious leaders and a well-financed campaign, draconian new laws and the politicians that peddle them are winning over the Ugandan public.

Filmmaker Williams uses poignant interviews and hidden camera footage to create shocking portraits of radical evangelism juxtaposed against the tolerance espoused by those who campaign for equal rights and peace in the country.

God Loves Uganda reveals the conflict between greed and faith, ecstasy and egotism. Horrifying and touching, it provides a rare record of the clash between zealous mid-western missionaries and world-weary Ugandans.

Introduced by Festival Programmer Ingrid Sinclair.

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