Deaf Conversations About Cinema: In The Heat of the Night
BSL translation

Deaf Conversations About Cinema: In The Heat of the Night


Please note: This event took place in Nov 2016

A redneck sheriff (Rod Steiger) and a black Philadelphia homicide detective (Sidney Poitier) reluctantly team up on a small-town murder investigation in Norman Jewison's Oscar®-winning crime drama In The Heat of the Night.

The Mon 21 Nov 18:10 screening of the film will include subtitles. This screening will also feature an introduction and a post-show discussion with audience members: this will also feature simultaneous BSL (British Sign Language) interpretation.

From 20:10, please join us for Deaf Conversations About Cinema, an informal discussion about the themes of the film in the Café/Bar (Deaf and hearing audience members are both most welcome). You’ll receive 10% off drinks with your cinema ticket – so grab a glass and let us know your thoughts about In The Heat of the Night.

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