Silk Stockings

Silk Stockings

classified U

What A Glorious Feeling: Musical Brunches


Please note: This was screened in Jan 2017

Rouben Mamoulian
Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Peter Lorre
117 mins, 1957, USA

Band Wagon co-stars Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse delightfully reunited in this dazzling musical version of Ninotchka, in which a Soviet apparatchik finds herself seduced by Paris and a high-stepping film producer.

After three bumbling Soviet agents fail in their mission to retrieve a Russian composer from Paris, straitlaced commissar Ninotchka Yoschenko (Charisse) is sent to Paris to rescue her wayward comrades from the perils of champagne and capitalism in an effort to complete their mission. But there is a thaw in Nina's Cold War when she falls under the spell of the smoothly brash, wont-take-no-for-an-answer, Steve Canfield (Astaire), an American film producer who succeeds in eroding her disdain for the wealth and decadence of the West.

Featuring some of the brightest rhythms Cole Porter ever wrote, spiked with laughs, and with Astaire and Charisse dancing the Eugene Loring and Hermes Pan choreography into timeless emotion - this enduring cold war musical shows exactly why elegance and fun never go out of style.

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