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What A Glorious Feeling: Musical Brunches


Please note: This was screened in Jan 2017

Vincente Minnelli
Gene Kelly, Van Johnson, Cyd Charisse, Elaine Stewart
108 mins, 1954, USA

Forget Paris, this is an American in Scotland. MGM’s beautiful, bountiful sensation stars Cyd Charisse and Gene Kelly as an American tourist who stumbles upon an enchanted Scottish village.

Tommy Albright (Kelly) is a courageous young fella who isn’t afraid to admit he’s fed up with the big city hubbub of his home life in America. A hunting vacation amid the quiet beauty of the Scottish Highlands, so he reasons, ought to do the trick. Leaving behind his partner Jane - the only scotch she knows comes out of a bottle! – he goes native. But where a hunting he goes it’s romance he finds, in the form of local girl Fiona (Charisse) after stumbling upon the magical Scottish village of Brigadoon - an enchanted place that appears once every hundred years for one day, before disappearing back into the mists of time, to wake up to its next day a century hence. But when Fiona’s betrothed Harry, upset by Tommy’s intervention, threatens to leave Brigadoon, it’s an act that will spell doom for its residents. With two loves in his life, Tommy makes a choice. Will it be the village girl? Even though she can never be part of his life back in America, perhaps he can he be part of hers in Brigadoon?

Including fabulous production numbers like the ‘Gathering of the Clans’, don’t miss this rare chance to see this Vincente Minnelli musical on the big screen – a film that, like its titular village, deserves to be seen at least once a century in its full – a little bit bonkers – glory.

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