Thinking about City Change

Creative Producers International aimed to support and empower Creative Producers to create innovative work and advocate for the importance of art and culture in shaping our cities of the future. Understandably, for the majority of the cohort the concept of change on a city-wide scale was intimidating and many participants expressed a degree of imposter syndrome.

The programme represented a journey in which we explored the idea of change at different scales and across different sites, gaining an understanding that ‘small’ change can still be significant. We encouraged each of the cohort to reflect on their cities and the issues that made them angry, frustrated and ignited their passion. The power of the network came into its own in the interrogation and refinement of their ideas; it provided an environment of championship that replaced imposter syndrome with a motivation to challenge the status quo.

We used a number of rapid prototyping exercises with the cohort, who already had a depth of knowledge and history of engaged practice within their cities, as a way into thinking about city change as a cohort – what they might do, focus on and think about – and to test ideas and build confidence. These activities helped connect the Creative Producers to one another, strengthen skillsets and to elevate confidence and ambition to deliver projects in their own cities.

Thinking About City Change

Thinking About City Change