
Having recruited our cohort of Creative Producers, we began a programme of Labs, events, regular check-ins, commissions and more to bring everyone together. Our vision was for the cohort to work together to explore their ideas for effecting change and producing exciting innovation in their cities. However, their geographic separation presented the very real risk of the Creative Producers feeling disconnected and producing work in silos.

What was needed was a space for other kinds of communication to happen, not just in-person, but at a distance, to keep conversations and ideas flowing, and for the producers to work together in lots of new ways, outside of the programme, as well as within it. Explore the programme below, and find out more about the activities and approaches we adopted in the section Producing the Producers.

Creative Producer International Labs

Central to our design of Creative Producers International were two major events held in the first two years of the programme, in Bristol and Tokyo respectively.

Creative Producer International Labs

Supporting new work

During the programme, each Creative Producer was supported with a development grant of £5,000 to put their ideas about city change into practice.

Supporting new work