Family Arts Festival Planning


Tuesday’s session allowed Amy, Hannah, Roseanna and I to focus entirely on the Family Arts Festival, which on reflection we really needed.  Clare Reddington, Director of iShed and The Pervasive Media Studio met with us at the beginning of the session and put forward such questions as:

  • Why should a family participate in the events?
  • What will they feel?
  • How will they be affected?
  • What will they experience?
  • What will they take away from that experience?

Clare also advised us on how to navigate language and suggested that we move away from technology terms and focus on our theme of imagination for a family audience.  It was a really helpful meeting as it’s challenging to find the balance in how technology focused yet family friendly to make events when the brief is to engage a family audience with the work of the pervasive media studio.

Our time together on Tuesday as a group has helped to resolve how we are going to approach marketing and delivery, revealed a more cohesive theme for our three events and began to clarify our overarching ambitions for the festival.