Taking it all in

Well, my first blog post. Admittedly I’m slightly behind the rest of the group, not for lack of wanting to write this but mainly trying to find the right words. I have been overwhelmed with the talented people that I’m working with and the commitment and passion that everyone is bringing to the programme.

After working for the past year, Future Producers is a nice change of pace. After the ‘fun’ of my third year at University I thought I was done with all learning related activities, what I’ve come to realise about myself is that I love learning, whether that’s leaning new skills or just debating and getting a different perspective and being given the opportunity to be creative again.

After the first Future Producers Plus session, I started to think about my role in the industry and what I want to gain from this experience. We were asked to talk about our primary art form….err… yeah….so I’m not what that call naturally gifted in that department. Around me I have very talented film makers, writer, graphic designer to name a few and I had to name my art form *blank look*. I can tell you what art I’m interested in and what I love, what I find thought provoking, what I’m passionate about but none of which I could call my art form. I’ve always thought as myself as a facilitator for creative people, not as a creative person myself, so I think this is a good starting point for me to develop my skills and really make me look at ways in which I feel I can be creative.

I’m very excited to be working on the Family Arts Festival with Louise and Hannah, I think the 3 of us with our different skills and backgrounds will bring an interesting mix to the project. We’re all meeting early on Tuesday to have a tour of the pervasive media studio and get the ball rolling with ideas, let’s see where it takes us!