We will be taking a short break from our regular lunchtime talk programme this week as (to be perfectly honest) it is a bank holiday weekend and some of us will be away and the rest of us are super-keen to go to a Festival of Ideas event down the hall in Watershed Cinema 3 that looks really interesting. We figured some of you would like to go too, so rather than giving you the impossible decision of which talk to come along to, we're popping the tours, lunchtime talk and Open Studio Friday programme on hold for a week.

In case you'd like to join us, the event that we are all heading to is:

Alec Ross: The Industries of the Future
Bristol Festival of Ideas
12:30-13:30, Fri 27 May 2016, Watershed, Price: £7/ £6

How will we adapt to the changing nature of work? Is the prospect of cyberwar sparking the next arms race? How can the world’s rising nations hope to match Silicon Valley in creating their own innovation hotspots? And what can today’s parents do to prepare their children for tomorrow?

Former Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Alec Ross has toured the world examining the specific fields that will most shape our economic future, including robotics, cybersecurity, the commercialisation of genomics, the next step for big data and the coming impact of digital technology on money and markets.

Tickets available here

The normal lunchtime talk and Open Studio Friday programme will resume next Fri 3 June.