When we build, manage, occupy, design or even just pass through a place we change it. Our actions embellish, adapt, adorn, colour, tint or taint that place in the eyes of the other people who share it. In doing so we embed messages into the physical and cognitive environment about what they can do there, what they should do there and what other people are likely to do there. 

These messages can be hints, suggestions, instructions, invitations or warnings that influence the choices we make. After a long time continuously receiving these messages these choices become habits that are no longer thought about and the resulting behaviours become automatic. In this way they play a part in framing the mix of experiences in a person’s life and hence the trajectory of their lives, pulling them towards or away from certain outcomes. These choices are a significant factor in determining who they meet, how they chose to spend our time, where they go, how they get there, what inspires and delights them, what they are afraid of and what causes them stress or relieves that stress. 

This is an important matter. Like any other influences on our lives these messages can be good or bad, helpful or unhelpful or a mixture of both. They are good when they support us to live fulfilled lives and bad when they discourage us from making the choices that make this possible. In the compassionate city the balance of influences on people’s lives is such that their physical and social surroundings make it easy (or at least possible) for them to meet their needs, thrive and fulfil their potential. This is an aspect of the built environment I feel is very important and demands our attention. 

Jenny Donovan is a Melbourne based urban designer.  She works primarily in the community sector, has been appointed an international expert in placemaking by UN Habitat, is a sessional member of Planning Panels Victoria and is the principal of Inclusive Design, a Melbourne based urban design practice with a particular emphasis on socially responsible design.

This Lunchtime Talk is part of Open Studio Friday, which takes place at the Studio every week.

Do you want to find out what is going on at the Pervasive Media Studio? Are you interested in meeting our residents, talking about a specific project or curious about pervasive media? Why not pack a sandwich and join us for one of our Lunchtime Talks and Open Studio Friday.

Lunchtime Talks are informal presentations by Studio residents and associates. They normally take place at 1pm on Friday, are free and open to everybody who’s interested in what we do.

After the Talk, we also invite you to stay with us for the afternoon to continue the conversation or work on your own projects. We provide chairs, tables, wireless and a great space. You bring what you need to work with (laptop/mobile). Our open afternoons close at 5pm.

Let us know if you’d like a tour of the space and we'll be happy to show you around just before the talk. Send an email to admin@pmstudio.co.uk to book your place on a tour.