The perfect place to test out your half-baked, barely-formed, super-early ideas, projects, prototypes, games, experiences and experiments.

If you have something brewing and want to try it out with a community of makers, players, and willing crash test dummies, this is for you.

Half Baked is a new experimental format for us, and we are inviting Studio residents and everyone else to come along, bring the thing you'd like to test out and get some feedback. This could be a game, a performance, a product, a plaything or anything else that you think will have a resonance for this community of artists, creative companies, technologists and researchers. This is not about showcasing, it's about being brave and generous, sharing what you have so far, and being up for helping others to test theirs. It is probably much more about playing than talking!

We will meet in the Studio event space at 1pm but may then split off according to what is brought to test on the day, and you are very welcome to try things outside in the sunshine if that suits you better. 

If you have nothing to share at the moment but want to come along and be a willing test subject, great! You do not need to tell us in advance if you want to bring something to test, but if you have particular questions or will need us to help with something (access to power, paperclips etc) do let us know on

This half baked experiment takes the place of the usual lunchtime talk this week. Open Studio Friday continues as normal.

What is Open Studio Friday? After the Friday talk or Half Baked session, we also invite you to stay with us for the afternoon to continue the conversation or work on your own projects. We can provide chairs, tables, wireless and a great space. You bring what you need to work with (laptop/mobile). Our open afternoons close at 5pm.