CAS/CADE 2013 - Codes of Engagement will explore the changing landscape of computing as it moves further into the physical domain and impacts on the arts, design practice and teaching in an Higher Education context, as a broader range of students are able to code.

UWE’s Digital Cultures Research Centre has curated a strand of work for the 2013 CAS/CADE conference entitled Re:Materialisations. It will feature some fantastic people from the Pervasive Media Studio network - see below for more details. The projects they will talk about are made at the junction of ubiquitous computing and art, where sensors afford embodied interaction and explore new forms of immersion.

The conference will be taking place:

Monday, April 8, 2013 - 10:00
Watershed 1 Canon's Road Harbourside Bristol BS1 5TX
Tickets available:

After lunch on Monday April 8th Re:Materialisations kicks off with a keynote address from Duncan Speakman (Circumstance): Composed Soundtracks for an Improvised World. Looking at examples from a number of practitioners and the work of his own collective Circumstance, Duncan will ask - how can artists respond to our increasingly fluid and mobile listening environments? How do we compose for a world and audience that refuses to be controlled?

The brilliant programme for the rest of the afternoon...

Play in and around interactive artwork  – Tine Bech
Danceroom Spectroscopy: using human energy fields to sculpt molecular motion  – David Glowacki
Interaction and immersion in mixed reality experiences – Anthony Rowe
Geiger-Müller Sound System - Timothy X Atack & MrUnderwood
Dancing without realising – Laura Kriefman

Registration and further event information at: Codes of Engagement 2013