I am an artist​, drawing and writing about everyday life, focusing on the geographies and histories of memory, and our relationship to the landscape. I work in prose, poetry, collage, drawing, photos and more. Lots of things I publish myself as zines, but some things have been published by other people, too. 

I am also Associate Professor of Creative Economies at UWE Bristol, where I lead the Creative Economies Lab, part of the Digital Cultures Research Centre, and it's with this hat on you'll mostly likely see me in the studio.

In this role, I'm interested in the politics of creativity, culture, and social change. What does it mean to call someone a 'creative'? Why do we only seem to value culture economically?

As part of this work, I lead Fair Creative Economies, a project to explore alternative economic models for the creative sector funded as part of  the £30M My World programme run by University of Bristol. I was part of the leadership team for Bristol and Bath Creative R&D, and in its last year was its Director. I also oversee Container Magazine and online publication telling human centred stories about creativity and technology.

I have designed and supported evaluation for a range of arts and creative development programmes. I co-produced the evaluation of Watershed's Creative Producers International (Arts Council),  worked with Watershed on their business support project Network for Creative Enterprise (Arts Council England/ERDF) and was part of neighbourhood arts and community development project We Are Bristol (Paul Hamlyn Foundation). I  worked with Bristol Festivals on a pilot project to better articulate the many ways cultural activities benefit the city. I also worked on REACT an early collaboration between UWE Bristol and Watershed supporting the creative sector.

I'm always excited to talk about any part of my work, so feel free to ask me about it if you see me around the studio, or else drop me an email.


Studio themes
