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An American Werewolf in London

classified 15

Tue 2 July 20:30

John Landis
David Naughton, Griffin Dunne, Jenny Agutter
97 mins, 1981, UK
Primary language

Whilst hiking on the Yorkshire Moors, American tourists David (David Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne) are savaged by an unidentified vicious animal.

David awakes in a London hospital to find his friend dead and his life in disarray. Retiring to the home of a beautiful nurse to recuperate, he soon experiences disturbing changes to his mind and body, undergoing a full-moon transformation that will unleash terror on the streets of the capital...

As the first ever Oscar® winner for Best Makeup, An American Werewolf in London is a horror blockbuster staple that brought together the best of American and British talent.

Presented in partnership with Bristol Ideas.

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Introduced by Griffin Dunne.

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