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Griffin Dunne in Conversation

Griffin Dunne in Conversation

Actor and film producer Griffin Dunne has written about his life and work in his memoir The Friday Afternoon Club and will be discussing it at this special event.

At eight, Sean Connery saved him from drowning. At thirteen, desperate to hook up with Janis Joplin, he attended his aunt Joan Didion's legendary LA launch party for Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. In his early twenties, he shared a Manhattan apartment with his best friend and soulmate Carrie Fisher while she was filming some sci-fi movie called Star Wars and he was a struggling actor selling popcorn at Radio City Music Hall. A few years later, he produced and starred in the now-iconic film After Hours, directed by Martin Scorsese.

In the midst of it all, Griffin's twenty-two-year-old sister, Dominique, a rising star in Hollywood, was killed by her ex-boyfriend, leading to one of the most infamous public trials of the 1980s. The outcome was a travesty of justice that marked the beginning of their father Dominick Dunne's career as a bestselling author of true crime narratives.

Presented in partnership with Bristol Ideas.

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Griffin Dunne will be in conversation with Andrew Kelly from Bristol Ideas. The conversation will be followed by a book signing.

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