Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

classified PG

Summer Animated Adventures


Please note: This was screened in Aug 2015

Hayao Miyazaki
117 mins, 1984, Japan

Hayao Miyazaki’s post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure is based on his ecological manga series of the same name. One thousand years after a global war devastated much of Earth, humanity clings to existence at the fringes of a vast, polluted forest inhabited by giant monstrous insects.

Only Nausicaa, the nature-loving princess of the tiny Valley of the Wind, grasps the environmental significance of the forest, seeing beyond petty wars and rivalries. Can she make amends for the mistakes of her ancestors and restore the bond between humanity and Earth?

Be sure not to miss this animated classic from Studio Ghibli.

  • Please Note: Weekend screenings of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind will screen with subtitles and midweek screenings will be dubbed.
  • The screening of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Tue 25 Aug is part of our Cinébites deal: Get 30% off any main dish in the Café/Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

Special offer: Book online and we will send you a discount code for 25% off the other films in the season so you can continue your adventures!

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