All good things must end…

The standard programme was brought to a conclusion with three fantastic talks by Matthew Austin, Katherine Jewkes and Sarah Warden. I was filled with inspiration, as the three shockingly young producers explained their individually different paths into producing.

Their advice was invaluable, prompting me to reinstate my Twitter account thanks to Matthew’s tip: “Always be willing to ask.” – something the others reiterated. I’m hoping to commit more of my time to networking and seeking opportunities through smaller online communities and not being afraid to ask for help, opportunities or guidance.

It was also interesting to hear how each guest speaker associated their study to their success – learning that I have the ability to reach the same aspirations by acknowledging the benefits of study – eg. networking, and focusing on attaining similar experience in an alternative route.

Lastly, it was good to hear of the importance of starting small and working up – knowing the roles within a business from different angles – thus giving value to work that is not exactly what you envisaged for yourself.

Afterwards, we got a brief time to discuss the progress of Electric December. Without a full team, we were once again unable to come to any immediate unanimous decisions about anything, although we did discuss the design brief David sent through to us (based on our feedback and suggestions) which we thought represented our ideas perfectly, and we wondered about the possibility of having a holding page ready for mid-November.