Internship Involvement- Unit 1 Part B

I have really enjoyed working on ‘Strike A Light Festival’ over the last few weeks. It has been fascinating seeing how the two producers work and has got me feeling really inspired. It has really helped me to further identity the kind of career in the arts that I would like to pursue.

I have tried to become fully involved in the preparations so I can learn about all areas that are necessary to putting on an arts festival. I was given the tasks of organising the invite list for the festival launch and trying to promote the festival through social media. I am hoping to be involved in the set up of the event spaces and generally assisting during the performances. It has been really interesting going to meetings with the venue team and finding out more about how the venue is run. I am really excited for the launch feast as I am hoping to be able to network with a number of interesting people, which should hopefully help me to gain further insight into the arts industry.

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I have also been searching for other placement positions as ‘Strike A Light’ shall be ending shortly and I’d like to further my experience. I came across an internship being offered on the ‘Theatre Bristol’ website at ‘The Looking Glass’, an arts venue in Bristol. I was particularly interested in this opportunity as they said they could provide experience of marketing, programming, curating and finance. I fortunately was offered the opportunity to be involved and am excited to start tomorrow. It should be an excellent way to further skills that I have developed through my current internship and the future producers programme.


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