Arts Leadership Unit 2 #9 (What was produced / enjoyed / challenging)

We screened 4 fantastic Gothic Horror films to a bunch of very happy customers. We sold over 40 tickets for the first 3 late night movies, with our final showcase selling over 150 tickets, which sold out nearly a month before the event.

The night of The Shining was a brilliant showcase of all the hard work everyone put in. We had terrifying actors, spooky and unnerving magicians, a photo-booth, an interactive two-way radio, and the Overlook Hotel Horrorgami art installation. People ‘checked-in’ to our back entrance reception where they received their key for Room 237, they where introduced to the event by the Hotel Manager guiding them through the corridors. All the staff we organised behaved in an odd manor to disconcert the audience and we had RedRum cocktails flowing at the bar. We showed the extended version of the film then finished up with some eerie dancing and discussion of the evening at the bar.


PAPER ART BY MARC HAGAN-GUIREY – Horrorgami Overlook Hotel


Photo by ClickSnicket photobooth – props provided by our team


Telecoms unit provided by Compass Presents


Hotel Manager showing guests our photos of previous guests – made by me

It was great to see everyone having a fabulous time and hearing comments about how brilliant the event was.

The main thing I enjoyed on the project was meeting and working with so many new people, it was nice to get in amongst it and learn so much from the people around me. The staff at Watershed where wonderful at helping us to achieve our goal, as well as teaching us lots of valuable lessons in working in a professional environment. I also thoroughly enjoyed researching for the project, watching the film over and over, reading the book for an extra insight, scouring the internet for photos, footage and social media contacts. Bringing a design element to the project was also great for me, I really get a kick out of it, and seeing how Smith & Milton work really helped me as a professional and gave me a bit of confidence.

I am a very pro-active person and like to be well organised and ahead of the game, in the case of this project I was quite quick to identify jobs that needed to be done. However I find it quite difficult to relinquish control or to delegate tasks, I don’t like having to ask someone to do something necessarily, not because it was a job that I want to do myself but because I don’t want to sound too bossy. In other cases I would just find it easier to do myself, then I would know it was done how I had intended it, this caused me at times to become overwhelmed with the workload. It is important to ask for help when its needed and for work to be distributed evenly amongst a team, I will have to continue working on my delegation skills, working out the correct way to approach such issues isn’t always easy but definitely worth doing.

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