
Our second Future Producers Gold session is upon us, and after our introductory session last week I have had some time to go away and consider how I might like to approach the different sections of the award.

In terms of my own arts practice, although I feel lucky to have quite a broad arts experience, I am going to choose printmaking. This is a practice I have been developing recently, and something I hope to continue and improve upon. I enjoy the fact that I am learning a traditional skill, and although I am not planning to make a career out of this practice I hope it will be something i’ll continue to develop. I am going to facilitate an introductory printmaking session as part of the skills swap, and have decided to learn about animation. Although this is a skill I have had experience of in the past, it is not something I have done for a long time, and would love a refresher. I also think it will compliment my own arts practice, and have ideas of animating a multi-layered print as a way of tying the two together.

As part of the ‘get involved in the arts world’ section, I would like to use this opportunity to gain more of an insight into the world of immersive cinema, live art and performance. This would hopefully also develop my understanding of the possible roles and career paths open to me. Although printmaking is my main arts practice, as I said previously it is not something I am planning on pursuing a career in, and therefore I think focusing on something of interest to me in relation to my career would be extremely valuable. My initial thought is to try and get involved with Compass Presents. I am really excited by the multi-disciplinary work they do, and being part of the BFI Gothic season group, I will be hopefully working alongside them anyway, which might put me in good stead to gain some experience.

If I was able to work with Compass Presents I could also tie it in with the ‘research and review’ section, for example going to one of their events eg. ‘The Calagari Experience’ and interviewing one of the members of the team who’s role I might take a particular interest in…?

Tonight as part of Gold we have done a short ‘Filming an Interview’ workshop, which has been very useful in terms of understanding what equipment we will use, how to use it, and what research we should do beforehand. Also we got some good tips on how to position the interviewee and how we should talk to them etc…

I am now going to go home and watch The Wicker man for Gothic film research reasons… I may not sleep well.