The studio is missing a few residents this week as they have been whisked off to Belfast to both attend and mentor workshops at mscapeFest08.

After a great conference last year, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories has organised a two day conference for mediascape, pervasive, locative and interactive media enthusiasts, practitioners and facilitators. This year the programme is packed with workshops mentored by industry professionals, keynotes from a range of backgrounds, community case studies and plenty of networking. With studio residents Dr Constance Fleuriot, Phil Stenton, Duncan Speakman, Ben Clayton and Tom Melahmed all presenting and mentoring workshops, the festival looks to be full of pervasive media enthusiasm!

This year mscapeFest is aiming to focus on education, pervasive gaming and heritage.

We'll be looking forward to hearing from those who attended, presented and mentored workshops on their return to the studio.

For more information on mscapes and the festival visit