Theatre Sandbox will celebrate its successful first year with a Showcase Event at Watershed, Bristol, on Friday 12 Nov. With video documentation from the six commissioned projects; reflections on the achievements and key areas of learning; panel debates with artists, venues, technology partners, and advisory group members, this event is a must for anybody interested in theatre in the digital age.

Tickets are free, but limited, so click here to book your space online. (Drinks and a chance to informally network with Theatre Sandbox artists and technologists will follow the main event.)

Theatre Sandbox was an exciting journey for the participating theatre makers. After being chosen from over 275 theatre makers participating in nationwide introductory workshops, they developed their projects in cooperation with exciting partner venues - including Bristol Old Vic; mac, Birmingham and Soho Theatre, London – and with support from a panel of technology and industry experts.

The research undertaken has been ambitious, inventive and often challenging and resulted in captivating events and performances ranging from captioning theatre for deaf audiences to a digital map of the future. To find out more about Proto-type Theatre, Duncan Speakman & Univited Guests, Tin Bath and the other participants, go to, where the commissions will also publish their final reports.