Im now happily inducted into the University of Plymouths, their excellent workshop facilities go as far as barcoded hand tools.

Dr Simon Lock and I have had two further meetings last week where we have been discussing among other things the:

  • glories of power supply, slip rings and wireless power transfer

  • projected illumination versus skirt embedded lighting of the Skirt

  • types of data we can pull and exert influence over the Skirt

  • creation of asymmetrical forms that I found so entrancing when testing the skirt outdoors.

Keen on my mind are two opportunity’s:

  • To explore the way proximity sensors can distort the vertical axis of the skirt so that manner in engaging with the skirt can be one of a gentle surprise prior to any manual manipulation, perhaps particularly useful in typical dwell locations.

  • Chris in the iDAT department has been showing me ways of using the Xbox Kinect, I hope we may be able to of change the projected illumination colour when the Kinect senses an incursion into to the rotating Skirt at the point of deformation. Clarity and definition of the LED illumination is something im concerned about and will ned to play with.

    In addition Chris used the occasion to digitise me as a Tron like Tintin, I hope to print duplicates of myself soon to multiple locations and multi task like never before.

This week I expect to be testing a skirt size double that of the original to explore potential weight/acceleration issues. I also hope to receive and study samples of more material and film as alternatives to the existing material which can dirty with constant use. And locate quiet, powerful and directional fans to distort the vertical axis.

Patrick Laing design crafts council iDAT residency internet of thingsPatrick Laing design crafts council iDAT residency internet of things