Lots to do.

Victoria Tilotson of the Watershed and I began with a tour around i-DAT's facilities including the stomach churning splendour of the immersive vision theatre and former planetarium.

Dr Simon Lock is my point of contact here and we have begun to discuss in depth approaches to developing the Skirt as a networked device. Following this conversation 3 options with 2 variations of product now seem like a likely avenues to explore:

Options -

To explore manual manipulation

To explore mechanical exploration

An amalgamation of approaches 1 and 2 where for example approach 1 may influence a remote approach 2.

Variations -

A. A 'standard size' device/product for more general use in dwell locations

B. A substantially larger perhaps bespoke device for grander locations

Further research needs to be done into what type of data can be pulled into influence the device in typical dwell locations of receptions, waiting rooms and in addition perhaps more raucous areas such as bars and even night clubs.

Its of note that while creating the different symmetrical forms the Skirt is capable of is distinctly satisfying perhaps the most attractive forms are the ones in transition between symmetrical patterns when the skirt is asymmetrical. How these more fluid forms could be created and what kind of data/tech. might enact them has me smiling in anticipation!

Patrick Laing Flying Skirt light shade design i-DAT Crafts Council iDAT