Bedford Creative Arts arranged for me to run a workshop with a local group ‘Infinite 29’ who meet up weekly to do their own creative work – and also invite different people to run sessions with them. I started the session by introducing the ideas behind Vocal Migrations, and then we got the devices up and running… I did have plans to go over some of the sections from the score I have made, but actually, it was really interesting to watch how they group improvised with them and explored their sonic potential… So… we had a ‘jam’… watching and listening to this gave me a lot of ideas for the performance too, and also, the possibility of a participatory installation version of the piece. It was actually really engaging to watch people experiment with the device … so maybe this is another avenue to think about for an ‘outcome’. One participant, Ben, brought along his guitar, and got some really amazing effects by sampling the guitar, then moving the device up to the sound hole… infact, we discussed including this in the performance, as for some sections, having a drone on a particular note would be really good… so.. a really interesting and creative session.