I booked a room at the College in Bedminster (where I have a workshop space). Mel came along early to try out the device and see what she could do with improvisation. I met Tarim and we got the devices switched on, but somehow we had less time than we thought, and it seemed that the new version needed more testing before letting out into the wild. Unfortunately we didn’t get a box up and running for Mel to play with, but we had a chat about the project so far, and also made a plan for exercises we could do with the choir later on. … When the Feral choir turned up – Mel started with some brilliant warm ups using voices and movements – all to do with Bats and bat behaviour – including catching people in bat caves : ) . We had one bat-box up and running, so took it in turns to experiment and improvise with it – which produced some really interesting – and theatrical (!) results. Mel led a session getting the group to sing and shift a ‘cluster’ harmony in microtones, which sounded fantastic, and made a really great backdrop for a solo ‘percussive’ box improvisation.  All in all, a very inspiring session, with only one Bat-Box, and plenty of interesting vocal improvisations made in response to the sounds coming out of the bat box.