Thinking of submitting a project to our Craft and Technology Residencies call? Well here's an example from Autonomatic to inspire you...

The Fishwick Digital Memory Box was made by Justin Marshall and co-developed with Gavin Wood, Computer Programmer from Newcastle University as part of the Bespoke Project, funded by the RCUK Digital Economy Programme,

This digitally crafted smart object records and plays back peoples' stories told through personal objects. Multiple threads of narrative are woven around a single object, not only communicating the varying perspectives of individuals' who have connected with that thing, but creating new stories through hearing new associations.

Justin says "this is a digital recording and play back device designed for families, schools and other groups to record stories about significant people or objects associated with physical artefacts. This digitally crafted 'book' has a number of embedded functions including 'play' and 'record' which are controlled through a set of smart cards. The system allows people to filter and replay recorded content by placing tagged images of people or artefacts onto the surface of the book which recognises the tags and plays back related audio content".